This article emphasizes the changing attitudes that the Latinx community holds toward education in the United States as the increasing number of changes are being made to the curriculums. Not only do these surveys measure the attitudes of Latinos toward education in the US, but the surveys also measure the attitudes toward others parts of the United States like politics. The historical context of this source is surveys that display the attitudes of Latinos to aspects of the US like politics, policies, education. This source also analyses the different amounts of students in education and around the country. This source was created by the PEW research center/The Kaiser Foundation in order to get show actual numbers of Latinos in support or opposed to different aspects of the United States.
This source shows no opinion from the authors as it is solely based upon surveys. The larger historical significance of this source is the exact numbers of Latinos for and against different aspects of the United States but specifically the education system as well as their teachers. These surveys benefit my research because they are able to emphasize the growing attitudes of the Latinx community in favor of schools when there are changes being made. The surveys also reveal how there are still a large number of Latinos that are still upset with the education system as well.
” In general, Latinos, especially the foreign born, are more positive about public schools and more optimistic that schools are improving than either whites or African Americans